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What is Proactive Behavior Interventions and Support?
PBIS is a framework for creating safer and more effective schools. It is a systems approach to enhancing the capacity of schools to educate all children by developing proactive, research-based, school-wide behavior support systems. The process focuses on utilizing data-driven methods to improve a school’s ability to teach and support positive behavior for all students. Rather than a prescribed program or curriculum, PBIS provides a framework for schools to design, implement, and evaluate effective school-wide, classroom, non-classroom, and student specific plans. PBIS includes school-wide procedures and processes intended for all students and all staff in all settings. PBIS is a team-based process for systemic problem solving, planning, and evaluation. It is an approach to creating a safe and productive learning environment where teachers can teach and all students can learn.
How is PBIS implemented at Norwood?
As part of our PBIS process, all teachers and staff members use evidence-based practices to increase student learning and decrease classroom disruptions. These practices include:
- Developing and displaying clearly written school-wide expectations.
- Consistently teaching and practicing appropriate behaviors.
- Providing students positive, immediate, frequent, and explicit feedback regarding their behavior choices.
- Using data to anticipate possible behavior struggles and addressing them using positive, proactive prompting and pre-teaching.
- Reteaching the expectations and providing evidence-based supports when a student struggles.
- Acknowledging students who choose appropriate behaviors with specific, positive praise.
- Responding to inappropriate behaviors using student-centered, evidenced-based practices.
- Partnering with students to gain a mutual understanding of their behavioral motivations to increase their ability to self-regulate.
What is the PBIS Leadership Team?
The PBIS Leadership Team (PLT) is a group of staff members who meet at least monthly to review data in order to make informed decisions regarding student behavior and school climate. The PLT's responsibilities include:
- Establishing clearly written, positively stated school-wide expectations that use age-appropriate and culturally sensitive language.
- Developing location-based lesson plans to explicitly teach the expectations to all students across all locations of the campus.
- Gathering and analyzing school-wide student behavior data to identify areas of need.
- Evaluating school-wide behavior and acknowledgement systems to insure consistency and fidelity of implementation.
- Supporting teachers and staff by providing personnel development opportunities as well as one-on-one or small group coaching.
- Engaging students and families in the decision-making process.
Who are the PLT?
Led by Kelly Sutherlin, Sam Ryan and Sara Rasmussen, the 2022-2023 PLT includes the following staff members:
- Sheri Hardman
- Ben Kirk
- Lucinda Salzman
- Quentin Strand